caelus_tutorials – Run tutorials

This is a convenience command to automatically run tutorials provided within the Caelus CML distribution.

$ caelus_tutorials -h
usage: caelus_tutorials [-h] [--version] [-v] [--no-log | --cli-logs CLI_LOGS]
                        [-d BASE_DIR] [-c CLONE_DIR] [-f TASK_FILE]
                        [-i INCLUDE_PATTERNS | -e EXCLUDE_PATTERNS]

Run Caelus Tutorials

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -v, --verbose         increase verbosity of logging. Default: No
  --no-log              disable logging of script to file.
  --cli-logs CLI_LOGS   name of the log file (caelus_tutorials.log)
  -d BASE_DIR, --base-dir BASE_DIR
                        directory where tutorials are run
  -c CLONE_DIR, --clone-dir CLONE_DIR
                        copy tutorials from this directory
  --clean               clean tutorials from this directory
  -f TASK_FILE, --task-file TASK_FILE
                        task file containing tutorial actions
                        run tutorial case if it matches the shell wildcard
                        exclude tutorials that match the shell wildcard

Caelus Python Library (CPL) v0.0.2
-f task_file, --task-file task_file

The name of the task file used to execute the steps necessary to complete a tutorial. The default value is run_tutorial.yaml

-i pattern, --include-patterns pattern

A shell wildcard pattern to match tutorial names that must be executed. This option can be used multiple times to match different patterns. For example,

# Run all simpleSolver cases and pisoSolver's cavity case
caelus_tutorials -i "*simpleSolver* -i "*cavity*"

This option is mutually exclusive to caelus_tutorials -e

-e pattern, --exclude-patterns pattern

A shell wildcard pattern to match tutorial names that are skipped during the tutorial run. This option can be used multiple times to match different patterns. For example,

# Skip motorBikeSS and motorBikeLES cases
caelus_tutorials -e "*motorBike*"

This option is mutually exclusive to caelus_tutorials -i